Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Clogs of Holland

#52We went for our a second honeymoon in 1998. We toured several european coutries. I bought this pair of clogs in Netherlands. I think they're very pretty and very detailed, for its size.
Where: Netherlands
Who: Self
When: 1998
Where now: Office.
We used conventional camera during the trip. Hence, this picture of a very young Izwan by the River Rhine is the only one I can find in soft copy to put here. Not sure in which country this picture was actually taken, but since River Rhine flows into several countries, let's just assume it was taken in Holland shall we?
Traditional clogs were made out of willow or poplar wood and are associated with the Netherlands and Sweden, where they are seen as a form of national dress. Because of this, Dutch people are sometimes called cloggies, that is, clog-wearers.
In Dutch, clogs are known as klompen. The traditional, all wooden, Dutch clogs have been officially labelled as safety shoes, passing European standards for the CE mark with flying colours. Today, Dutch clogs are available in many tourist shops. Wearing clogs is considered to be healthy for the feet.

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