Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Flickertail State

Say what? It says "North Dakota - F-L-I-C-K-E-R-TAIL. State".

Ladies & Gentlemen, here #55.

Honestly, when I first saw tis one, I read the "L" and the "i" as a "U". Can be deceiving, perhaps you read what you wanna read. Read it again, Lou.

Anyways, this wasn't bought in North Dakota. I've never been there. Izwan has never been there. It was for sale in Laughlin. So we bought it. Right before we went for this:

Where: North Dakota (but bought in Laughlin)

Who: Self

When: 2006

Where now: Home

1 comment:

Gorgeous H said...

EFS, your new template ni sooo cool...