Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fridge Magnet Collector

Way back on 31 March 2008, Tech N U, the IT pullout of New Straits Times newspaper, published a story about yours truly on my craze over fridge magnets. I am a collector of those cute things, especially when the magnet features the name of the country/state/town that it represents. Here is what how the story looks:

Well, way back in March, updating the blog every three or four days was a statement of fact. But after this feature was published, that blog took a backseat and I have not updated it for a long while - more than a month now. But that's not too bad, right, since I have 1501 who have visited this blog - compared to only a handful who read it when I was actively updating it - heheh

I'll post a pic on how my fridge looks like now; soon. In fact, I'll try to pudate this blog soon, with more pics and stories about my magnets. Oh, you may ask - why did it take me so long to blog about this '15 minutes of glamour'? Kita segan la, wak!!

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