I have some rough ideas as to how to properly keep my colection; since they cannot all fit on the doors of my refrigerator at home. A friend suggested that I keep them in a glass cabinet with metal piece so I can put all of them inside. I'm not so sure if that is workable. Maybe if I have extra space for am additional cabinet in my house, I'll think about it :-) For the time being, I'll be contents on putting them on a piece of board, using tack-it since magnetic sheets are probably not within budget. And they'll be kept in either a box or the reasure chest which we already have at home. We'll see if I get around to doing it!
hey EFS, what about magnetic board?? i went "usha" in ikea the other day, it's RM39 each.
how about letak di magnetic board pastu gantung kat dinding. board tu ada dijual di Ikea RM39.90 satu. i lekatkan semua my FM kat board tu sbb bila lekat di pintu fridge,acapkali my FM tu jatuh bila pintu dibuka/tutup. letak kat tepi fridge pun selalu jer ada yang terlanggar2..
cik ketumbar
Hello EFS, I was at GH's page and notice your callsign 'EFS'....at first thought EPS, ha ha. Then see your lovely profile pic I busybody over.
Ahhh, you too collect fridge magnets?
Me too...but only collect unusual ones or places we have been too.
I did buy all those Malaysian fruits at Central market when we last balek kampong in 2002.
Running out of space on our fridge, either get bigger fridge or....slow down collecting.
I used to collect cocktail sticks from Nite clubs, got hundreds of them, now in a vase macham bunga, ha ha.
You have fun and keep well, Lee.
Pacemaker & Cik Ketumbar,
Thanks for the feedback! I will check out the magnetic board at Ikea this weekend, if I can. Or soonest, whenever.
Thanks to my friends on Facebook, I think I I'll put them on the magnetic board and hang up on the wall by the stairs.
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