Saturday, May 30, 2009

Lower The Anchor, Ahoy!

This one was caught near the famous Pier 39. Somewhere near where you can see the prison Alcatraz from far. Izwan said that the souvenir shops, especially those selling fridge magnets are so huge, they've got walls-ful of all sorts of fridge magnets.

This one caught his attention and is now on my refrigerator door. It is plastic, so it is not fragile at all.

Where from: San Francisco
When: 2008
Who: Izwan Ismail
Wow Factor: #324

1 comment:

pacemaker17 said...

hey EFS, i like the new way you take the pictures of your fridge magnets..from different angles and different backgrounds..

you made me feeling berkobar-kobar to start my own blog.. =)