Friday, December 10, 2010

Colours of Autumn

9 December 2010 .

Xen just came back from an 11 days trip to Japan. She has this wish, she wants to spend her birthday in Japan. And this year, she worked towards making sure that she wish comes true. And she did. She went to Kyoto, Osaka, Himeji, Hiroshima, Yokohama, Hakone and Tokyo.

These pics are from \Xen's album

Autumn in Japan
Wow Factor: 478
Where: Japan
When: Dec 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Killer Shark

3 December 2010
Zera went to Australia and bought me this. An awesome shark from Sea World, Gold Coast Australia. Yayyyy!

Wow Factor: 477
Where: Gold Coast, Australia
When: December 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

Red Footwear

It is only fair if the font is red, too!
More of my new stuff that abah had bought:

Let's go clog clog-king! Trendy new red eye catching footwear!

Where From: Holland
Who: Abah
When: Feb 2010
Wow Factor: #476

From Europe With Love

Items abah got for me during his recent trip. Yay!

Kick His Ass!

One more recent acquisition. Izwan was in Bangkok 22 to 24 Feb 2010 and bought home 2 fridge magnets. He knows I have quite a bit of Thai FM already but he cleverly chose rubberised ones to add to my collection:
Who: Izwan Ismail
When: 2010 Feb
Where: Bangkok, Thailand
Wow Factor: #475

Windmills of Your Mind

Abah bought me some fridge magnets from his recent trip to Europe. This is the first:


He experience his first snow fall during this trip!

Where From: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Who: Hj Mohd Said Juni i.e. Abah
When: Feb 2010
Wow Factor: 474

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Latest Tuk Tuk Style

Izwan just came back from Bangkok. It was his first trip to Bangkok, although he has been to Thailand quite a number of times.
He bought 2 fridge magnets and this is one of them:

Where from: Thailand
When: 2010 Feb
Who: Izwan
Wow Factor: #473

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Love All Over New York

New York is a wonderful city. I think Izwan had quite a good time during his work assignment there last year. Walks at Central Park etc.
*grins at a personal joke*
He brought home quite a number of fridge magnets.
I am always amazed with beautiful NY pictures, esp night time snapshots.
But this one, is totally mine and I love it!
Where from: New York, USA
Who: Izwan Ismail
When: 2009
Wow Factor: #472

Cliffs of Moher

The Irish landscape is now on my fridge. Moher has really gorgeous cliffs. Doubt I'll ever go there but hey, I can see it everyday at home now.
. .
Who: Imran Hamid
When: 2009
Where: Ireland
Wow Factor: #471

Italian Mask

This gorgeous Italian is from Mrs Wood. It is a steel magnet; which Mrs Wood bought during her honeymood in Europe.
Nice, very nice. It is rather heavy, too.
Where from: Italy
Who: Mrs Wood (Edryna) a.k.a. Knot
When: 2009
Wow Factor: #470

Are U A ManU Fan?

Are you a fan of Manchester United? I am not. But when Naza offerred me fridge magnets from the team's original merchandise lineup, I said 'aye'.
There is a total of 9 frige magnets in this one. And no, I am not going to be all noble and deem it as just ONE fridge magnet. After all, I paid good money for this. So, 9 it is.

Where from: United Kingdom
Wow; Factor: #461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469. *Gleeeee*
When: 2009
Who: Nazatul

Fresh Fish, Anyone?

One can get fresh fish from Pike Market Place. But one gotta be in Seattle. Me, well, a fridge magnet depicting the market is enough to make me a happy woman!

It was opened in 1907 (as one can read from the pig picture on the magnet) and they had quite a celebration for its 100th anniversary.

Where from: Seattle
Wow Factor: #460
When: 2008
Who: Izwan Ismail

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Half Hour Away

We went to Sunway Lagoon last month and I bought this. I almost forgot I even buy it. While cleaning the area next to my bedside table, I found this among the things which are to be discarded:
Initially I didn;t want to buy it, but since we were already there, gee... whaddaheck!
Who: Me
When: 2010 January
Where: Sunway Lagoon, PJ
Wow Factor: #459

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rocking Bangkok Real Hard

Thanks to GH, I am now the proud owner of this Hard Rock Cafe Bangkok fridge magnet. I noted that it is a limited edition.

Story is like this - we are all now crazy ga-ga over HRC fridge magnets and trying our best to expand our collection. GH has a friend who went there recently and she ordered for the 4 of us: herself, me, Sha & Wood.

Isn't it cool? So, I am deeming that GH got this for me, although through a lady by the name of Salizawati.

Who: Harnain Haris thru Salizawati Salleh
When: 2010. February. 3 days ago!!!
Where: Bangkok, Thailand
Wow Factor: #458

Fresh From the Oven


Fresh from the oven! I just received these two Kuantan fridge magnets this morning. Xen went to Kuantan yesterday for a meeting and brought back these for me. Yay! Next up, I prolly ask Badrol to get me one from Terengganu when he goes back there.

Who: Lim Xiao En
Where: Kuantan, Pahang
When: Feb 2010
Wow Factor: #456 & #457

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Penny Is Lucky

Izwan got this lucky penny fridge magnet in San Francisco. It says "I spent time on Alcatraz". Can u imagine if he had taken his SLR to San Francisco? I bet the pictures are going to be far better than the ones he took; and those are already in the "good pictures" category.
Where from: San Francisco
When: 2008
Who: Izwan Ismail
Wow Factor: $455

More Looe

Many thanks to Doodlemom for this one!! Love you so much, darl. It arrived through her cousin in Ausgut last year. Cute duck, ek? You can imagine my excitement in getting a surprise package!!
Where from: Looe
Who: Nik Yurni
When: 2009
Wow Factor: #454

Globbing London

To avoid further confusion, this is another snow globe from London. This one was purchased through my acquiantance Imran who went all over UK last year. And some parts of Europe too.
This is one of the fridge magnets Imran allowed me to buy off him; pursuant to my FB message to him since he announced that he was going travelling.

Where from: London England
Who: Imran Hamid
When: 2009
Wow Factor #543

Snow In London

Ah.. this is what I don't like about procrastinating doing this blog.
I forget. I had to check and re-check as to the origin of this one.
Lucky thing I manage to differentiate between this and the other quarter globes that I have. This is the one I bought from Nazatul. It cost me RM28. A friend who resides in London commented that it is pricey since it is only one and a half pound at a souvenir shop. Sheesh. But well, I wanted it, and I got it.
But the thrill of it is not as good as getting it from a friend, or a pesan-memesan system through someone who goes overseas.

Where: London, UK
When: 2009
Who: Nazatul, online purchase
Wow Factor: #452

Monday, February 8, 2010

Rocking Even Harder

Hard Rock Cafe back to back!

This one was bought online in London from Nazatul.

Where from: London, Hard Rock Cafe bottle opener magnetto
Who: Nazatul
When: 2009
Wow Factor: 451

Rocking Hard, Babe

This is one of the fridge magnets that I had bought online. Well, not really. Thing is, I have bought magnettos from this lady Naza, who resides in the UK. Post that time, I thought that purchasing them online doesn't give me the same thrill I yearn. But when she contacted me and said she was travelling to Amsterdam and if I'd like a HRC from there, I jumped at the offer. Of course!
And so, a few months later, this one become mine.
This are the ones which Naza sent to me. I'll blog about London soon.
Where from: Amsterdam, Hard Rock Cafe souvenir fridge magnet/bottle opener
Wow: #450
When: 2009
Who: Nazatul