Tuesday, February 22, 2011

FM 524 - 525: Tioman

I have two of this very same fridge magnets.
One is from my brother Emran and the other from the gorgeous Azlina.

Where: Pulau Tioman
When: 2009
Who: Emran Firdaus
Who: Azlina Yusup
Wow Factor: 524 & 525

FM 523: Texas Spelt

Rubber magnets!! Love them. This is one from Texas, from Izwan's trip ages ago!!

Where: Texas, USA
When: 2008
Who: Izwan Ismail
Wow Factor: 523

FM 522: The Twin Towers

I bought this quite a while ago and it was shiny and pretty. But quality wise, after a year, the shine fade, I guess must the interacxtion with air and H2O stuff.

Where: Kuala Lumpur
When: 2008
Who: Me
Wow Factor: 522

FM 517 - 521: (Nasi) Bukhara

Here is a set of magnets from Bukhara and its surrounding areas, compliments from Yusof Nik.

Item 517
Item 518

Item 519
Item 520
Item 521
Obviously made with clay, some are made with colourful details and sopme simply depict bgs or well, roamaps. But I doubt many collectors have these in their keeping!!

Where: Emirate of Bukhara
(border of Russia)
When: 2009
Who: Yusof Nik
Wow Factor: 517 - 521

Sunday, February 20, 2011

516: Chatsworth in Detail

This fab magnetto of Chatsworth House was especially flown from the UK for me *perasan mode*. This building, located in the central Derbyshire. It is a real ancient building (sort of, excuse the exaggeration!) but main block was re-built sometime between 1687 and 1707.

Where: Derbyshire, England

When: 2010

Who: Doodlemom

Wow Factor: 516

515: San Francisco in 2D

Wow Factor: # 515
When: 2010
Who: Izwan Ismail
Where: San Francisco, USA

Another fridge magnet depicting the famous San Francisco trams. This one is wooden (er... plywood, rather) and is a 2D fridge magnet. Thank goodness Izwan cleverly bought me all sorts of fridge magnet when he went there. God knows when he will go there again for work! I miss Ghirardelli still :(

514: Shanghai Blues

I truly have to apologize for my short term memory. I honestly honestly cannot recall who got me this fridge magnet. So I am going to put both names here. I am going to give credit to both coz they do contribute to my collection. This one is from China.
(Hafiz will associate Shanghai with either Transformers 2 or Willie from Indiana Jones' movies)
Wow Factor: #514
Where: Shanghai, China
When: 2009
Adif Ismail, my brother in law
Emylia Md Nor, Principal of Qdees in Saujana Utama

513: Penang

Penang, most famous for all sorts of food it offers. Personally, I am not sure whether it is really good, or perhaps I did not go to the best places Penang has to offer. So maybe the next time we go, we will do some research :)
Wow Factor: #513
When: 2010
Where: Penang, Malaysia

512: King Kong in New York

Hurray for King Kong!!
Double hurray for me!
Wow Factor: #512
When: 2009
Who: Izwan (who managed to walk in Central Park with his companion. But did not find any Central Perk!)
Where: New York, USA

511: Keeping Cool in SF

Wow Factor: #511
Who: Izwan
When: 2009
Where: San Francisco, USA
With the tram, the hills, the sea, the prison island and a thermometer, what more can I ask for?
Can ask for more fridge magnets, of course!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

510 : The Big Five

17 February 2011
Accompanied by Nisha, I met up with Hana to pick up some of the stuff I bought from/thru Hana. And guess what? Hana wanted to give a fridge magnet. She opened a shoe box filled with various FM and asked me to choose. It was like asked to pick a candy from a box of sweets. Suka!!
Kelabu mata kita nak pilih yang mana satu. All so pretty and special!
Anyways, I chose this one. Thank you Hana!!

Wow Factor: 510

Where: South Africa

Who: Hana Shakira

When: 2011 Feb

Gimme a V. Gimme an E. Gimme GAS!


Wow Factor: 509

Who: Izwan Ismail

When: 2010

Where: Las Vegas

Revisit: The Irish

Revisiting my irish friends
These fridge magnets have been previously posted. But since I still have them in my album, I might as well upload them here. Again.

Number One

Revisiting my first fridge magnet from my entire collection
. .
Never thought it'll be as many as this!


I bought this on the way to Grand Canyon, Arizona.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

508: The Hills Are Alive

If you are familiar with The Sound of Music starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer, a 1965 production, then you probably know that the story was filmed in Austria. And it was about the Von Trapp family who was residing in Austria. Tho they were in Salzburg and not Zellamsee.
Anyways, here is one FM from Zellamsee ("Zell by the Lake").
And here are pics from the movie:

One of my favourite songs is "Favourite Things".

When: 2009

Who: Wong Su Luan

Where: Austria

Wow Factor: 508

507: Matador In Red

If only the matador is one of the spanish football player !!

Alas, it is not - but I am glad to have this one all the same.

Who: Izwan Ismail

Where: Spain (asal usulnya) but bought in KL

Wow Factor: 507 Red Tab *chewah*

Or you can say 507 Capote de Brega.

When: 2008

Monday, February 14, 2011

FM: Whereat Lies The King

Daniel, my old friend from primary school, got me several awesome fridge magnets from New Orleans.
I wish I can pass him money and make him buy me more!


Wow Factor: 506
Where from: New Orleans
Who: Daniel Mark Alcantara
When: 2009

FM: Up The Hill We Go

It is an interesting sight, this San Francisco houses. I am quite proud of the SF collection. Tho I do wonder if they have San Fran Coffee over there!
Wow Factor: 506
Where from: San Francisco
Who: Izwan Ismail
When: 2008

FM: New York and The Skyscrapers

This is a 2D fridge magnet. Truly awesome one. The lights of the Big Apple making the city glitter. Tho not exactly one of the wroking trips Izwan made that I terribly approve of. Haha. Ada cerita ni, sebenarnya. Simply said: Parl Savoy, North Bergen!!!
Tho I must say that I wish is has trip to that side of the world soon. Yeah, handbags and chocolates and new fridge magnets, what else? Oh yeah, clothes for the kids. Otherwise we probably have to go shopping in Bandung and Jakarta again Heh!!
Wow Factor: 505
Where from: New York
Who: Izwan Ismail
When: 2009

FM: Paris in Black & White

An awesome piece of Paris that I have at home. This is one of the magnets a friend had kindly sold to me for a measly sum! And yes, he is now a pengantin baru. Selamat Pengantin Baru, Imran Hamid!

Wow Factor: 504

Where from: Paris, France

Who: Imran Hamid

When: 2009

Sunday, February 13, 2011

FM: Shielded and Protected

This fragile fridge magnet takes the form of arty crafty shiled typical of Sarawak warrior shield.

Wow Factor: 503
Where from: Kuching Sarawak
Who: Me
When: 2009


This is one of tye fridge magnets I bought during the memorable working trip to Kuching Sarawak with Sharifah Noraini Noreen, Ar. Yusof, Shaza and HYT. It was good that we got the opportunity to go shopping at the row of shops opposite the river. The stay at Kuching Hilton was especially good, too!


Friday, February 11, 2011

FM: City of Lights

11 February 2011
Arrived at the office this morning and greeted by these two lovelies:
Vicki went to Perth during Chinese New Year break and got me these two fridge magnets. Aren't they gorgeous? Metallic-ky and shiny!! Vicki has an aunt who resides there and I enjoyed listening to her making plans for her trip.
I am not sure why but after several tries, the pic above REFUSED to appear in the correct rotation. So, I guess I have to cock my head to the left to adore it in this blog.

Wow Factor: 501 and 502
Where from: Perth, Australia
Who: Vicki Austin Dimin
When: Feb 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wow Factor: 500 !!

3 February 2011

As the count goes, I am proud to announce that the number has now reached a whopping 500. This 500th fridge magnet is a hotel original: The Venetian Hotel located at Las Vegas strip.

Who: Izwan Ismail
Where: Las Vegas (Venetian Hotel)
When: 2010
Wow Factor: 500 !!
Here is a picture of Izwan and his friend Dwi at The Venetian.

Lucky Chips

3 February 2011
One set of four lucky chips for casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada. They all range from USD5 to USD1,000,000.
But unfortunately, these are of no value at the casinos. But to a fridge magnet collector, these are priceless!
Where from: Las Vegas
Who: Izwan Ismail
When: 2010
Wow Factor: 496, 497, 498 and 499