Monday, April 28, 2008


If any of you are not very well versed with your A-B-C, here's how you spell Seattle. Bought in, duh, Seattle la. Izwan's trip earlier this year. Yeah, the one that I know he wanted to be a snow angel tapi keadaan tak mengizinkan heheh

There's going to be a Bumbershoot Weekend from August 30 to September 1 this year at Seattle Center. But it's really an american thingy coz betcha not many mainstream artiste gonna be performing err.. except for Beck & Stone Temple Pilots. So, why do I even write this? Just to show off that I know a little bit of it! Hehehe.

Where from: Seattle
When: 2008
Who: Me Hubby
Where now: Home.
Counting still : #188

Friday, April 25, 2008

FLA write to me!

I wrote an entry on the lighthouse magnet Izwan brought home from Florida. Read it here. I included in that entry on the Florida Lighthouse Association's effort to preserve the lighthouses.

Surprise suprise, Stan Beckman, the Vice President (IT) of Florida Lighthouse Association ("FLA") wrote me an email! He must have found this blog by chance.

He said "Thank you for your kind words about the Florida Lighthouse Association. We have been working hard trying to protect and preserve our remaining lighthouses. We have bills working their way through the Florida House of Representatives and the Senate to approve a vehicle specialty licenses plate for the Florida Lighthouse Association. If this is approved the F.L.A. will receive $25.00 for each of these license plates that are sold. This money will be used for grants to the individual lighthouses to make necessary repairs and restorations. That would go a long way towards the preservation of our lighthouses."

Grin! Beam!

From Dusk Til Dawn

From Dusk Til Dawn? Hmm the title is taken from one movie written by Quentin Tarantino. Iwatched the movie three times, I think. Don't laugh. George Clooney is the main actor! And... err... well, yeah, Tarantino too.
Nothing to do with this blog entry; it is just that Izwan bought a pair of these magnets - one featuring Seattle during the day; and another of the city at night.
Perhaps I should use the title Men in Black? After all, the alien did want to get into the 'flying saucer' lookalike thingy!
Where from: Seattle
When: 2008
Who: Surprise suprise... heheh. Izwan la.
Where now: Home.
Counting still : #186 & 187

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Salt Lake City

Nobody went to Salt Lake City and got me this magnet. This may well come from Utah but not authentically purchased in that state. Instead we bought it in Laughlin, Colorado. There was this stall selling all sorts of magnets from all over USA at one of the shopping malls facing the row of casino.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?) they're not very pretty so we limit ourselves to buy just a few. Now, thinking back, it's a blatant lie. But heck, I'm keeping it!! At least I bought it from somewhere in the States! :-)

Where from: Salt Lake City, Utah (or rather, Laughlin, Colorado)
When: 2006
Who: Me!!
Where now: Home. Been resting on my fridge.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Enough For Today

I guess that'd be enough for today. Although may not be sufficient to pay back' for those weeks I have sort of neglected this blog, but that'll do. After al, I do not want to finish documenting all the magnets I have wayyy too soon!

By the way, from my rough calculation, it'll exceed the 200 mark soon! Awwww......!

If you wanna read my sense and non-sense, visit here.

Disney Princesses

Here's a magnet from our trip to the USA in 2006. I bought the princesses magnet without my children knowing or else it'd become a toy and consequently become theirs. To date, it remains in the office, so it belongs to mommy! Truth be told, this is not a Disneyland original. I bought it along the Walk of Fame; the part of Walk of Fame closer to where the homeless are lying by the roadside, rather than the posh side of Walk of Fame. But heck, it is still Walk of Fame. Plus, I probably saved a buck or two (each magnet) by walking 50 meters further!
Here's some snaps from our adventure at Disneyland - one day is just not enough! Tasha was in posing mood, and you can tell she enjoyed Disneyland much better than Universal Studio!

So did Hafiz actually! I think we went on most of the kiddies ride, and the parade they had was a total WHOA. Plus the night show with fireworks! Awesome. Kumpul duit, insya Allah boleh pergi lagi!!

Where from: Los Angeles

When: 2006

Who: Self

Where now: Office arrrr

Numbering: 184

Choo Choo Tram

Yes, you read it right... choo choo tram, not choo choo train.

This is related to my 2 entries just before this post. I have two trams fridge magnets, thanks to The Architect. Oppsss.. make that three! Ah, greedy me!

I do remember Melbourne. Izwan & I went there in 1998. Izwan was on official assignment and he took leave to stay in Melbourne longer. I took leave to join him there on his last official day there. My brother Itt (who was a final year accounting student at UKM then) drove me to the airport.

I reached Melbourne, took a bus to Crown Tower Hotel and had to show my passport to the guys at the casino entrance as evidence that I am not underage! Anyways, back to En Yusof's generosity in buying trams magnets, here's the appreciation clause:
Where from: Melbourne, Australia
When: 2008
Who: Ar Mohamad Yusof Che Nik
(Thank you, thank you, bila travel lagi, ingat la kat kita!!)
Where now: One at the office & two at home
Number: 181, 181 and 183
(oish, dah banyak betul magnet aku nih!!
Too much is never enough)

Grab 'Em All?

In continuation of my earlier entry on Melbourne magnets, these are the pics of the magnets I didn't refuse!
A total of nine of them... I can't even put them all in one pics so as to ensure each one can be clearly seen when I post them on this blog.
And I went one step further. I was so kiasu that I even took pics of the packaging label!! hehe

From DownUnder

Many thanks to Ar. Yusof (whom I still owe that anti-mosquito lotion I promised) he bought for the ladies of Bintulu team quite a number of fridge magnets! He went to Melbourne earlier this year with his son to see his eldest daughter.

Since I was the avid fridge magnet collector, I was given the first right of refusal!! If I had my way, surely I want them all, but I am ehem... quite level headed!

We had dinner recently at Ar. Yusof's beautifully designed & decorated home. It was fun, and the host had to wait til midnight for his guests to leave! But I'm pretty sure the host didn't mind a bit ... coz we're the cool gang! (perasan habis!). And who knows, there's more free dinner passes for us in future!! Har! Har!

Where from: Melbourne, Australia
When: 2008
Who: Ar Mohamad Yusof Che Nik
Where now: Home
Whazup?? : 180

Here Kitty Kitty

This cat is one of the magnets that shouldn't even be on this list. I bought it at (sigh) Mid Valley Megamall, since I couldn't resist it. But due to the fact I have had it in my possession for ages (I think it was the first trip to MV Megamall; soon after it was open - how long is that??), soI hereby shamelessly count it as magnet number 179 :-P

Where from: Kuala Lumpur
When: 200...?
Who: Self
Where now: Office.
Counting still : 179


I feel so guilty! Ever since the artcile on this blog appeared in the IT pullout (Tech & U) of NSTP, I have not been able to update this blog. Isn't it an irony? Or jinx, perhaps? He he

So I'll try and update this blog with more entries on the magnets that I have. Recently, I received quite a number of magnets from Nik Yurni, Mailisa, Halim, Firah, Shahrul & Zaki.

Like I told a lady who dropped me a line after reading the article, I am so blessed with generous friends who remember me when they see fridge magnets whilst travelling overseas!

What more, hubby Izwan is probably going to USA come next month! Yippe yay yay!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Lighthouse Family

This is a polystone magnet from Orlando. It was made for Beachcombers, Ft Myers, Florida. So it's genuine Floridan, not from China :-)
Where from: Florida
When: 2006
Who: Izwan
Where now: At home.
Counting still : 178

Anyways, do you know that Florida has about three dozen lighthouses, including several of the country's most famous light towers? The Florida Lighthouse Association (FLA) works for preservation of all the light stations. Nearly all the onshore stations are now supported by local lighthouse societies, and FLA has helped organize a Reef Lights Association to work for preservation of the offshore lights.

Efforts of FLA and local associations have led to restoration projects undertaken or planned at most of the onshore lighthouses. Few states have worked as hard on lighthouse preservation as Florida in recent years.
BTW, this is a pic of Ponce de Leon Inlet Light, taken in December 2004. It stands 168' tall. The tower gets its color from the Baltimore Red Brick that the tower is made of. The tower was decommissioned in 1970 due to the beacon on a steel tower at Smyrna Dunes. However, in 1983 a new high-rise condo unit was built that blocked the tower, so the Ponce Inlet Light was re-instated. Now you know :-)

More Owls

I have written about the owls I purchased in Lumut. Click here. But the one below was bought at the hotel itself, it's kinda big compared to those other owls. Unfortunately today, it has broken into two; but I managed to paste them up together; although I don't know how long it'll hold.
Told ya this one is big!!
And the hotel where we stayed. Pangkor Island Beach Resort. Room 468.

Where from: Pulau Pangkor
When: 2007
Who: Me!!
Where now: At home. Recovering from the fall.

Wood Stork?

I think the big birdie featured in the magnet below is a wood stork. Quite popular in Florida. They have this bird at the Everglades National Park in Florida and they think it is an excellent messenger of the past, present, and future.

Like the wood stork, the Everglades ecosystem is now endangered. Storks were once more abundant in the southern Florida wetlands than in any other region throughout the southeastern states. The wood stork should thrive in the Everglades and Big Cypress because it is a specialized species that does best in tropical and subtropical zones with distinct wet season - dry season climates.

A stork locates food, mostly small fresh water fish, not by sight but by groping with its bill in shallow water. This feeding technique is most effective when water levels are dropping throughout broad marshes as a result of prolonged dry periods, and fish are being concentrated in ever-diminishing pools. Wanna know more? Go here.

Where from: Orlando, Florida
Where now: Office
When: 2005
Who: Izwan
No. 176

Eiffel I'm In Love

Somebody went to Paris and brought home quite a number of Paris fridge magnets for his wife. And he took quite a number of pics too. Here's an all lit-up Eiffel Tower, one of the pictures he took. And this picture his wife took and put up on her blog.

When: 2007
Who: Izwan
Where from: Paris, France
Where now: Home
Count: 175

Nottingham Calling

On 26th March, around 11 pm I received a call from "0302". Odd number but I answered it anyway. It was Nik Yurni...!! All the way from Nottingham.
I have not checked my gmail for days now; so she asked me to take a peep at my email account.

Mak oi, member jalan satu family pergi Scotland. Dan yang paling best....jeng jeng jeng!! are these:
She got them for me! Yippee yay yay! Like I emailed her that night itself, I think I would tido senyummmmm :-)

Nasib baik tak mimpi William Wallace!